Social Sciences

News Titles
Access World News (Newsbank)
More than 11,000 newspapers and magazines browsable language, title, type and individual titles by calendar date. Some newspapers in Spanish, French, Dutch and Afrikaans. Some titles in full color and coverage from 3 months to 1 year.
The Diplomat Current coverage. Analysis and commentary on events occurring in Asia and around the world. To use off-campus, login with email and password usicpublic2022.
The Economist Content from magazine - 1997 to the present. Register with your tas email account. Use the same login to access the fantastic Economist app after registering via our website! Choose the login link underneath the registration form when you have already created an account.
Financial Times Sign up for an account with your email to access the first time. Check out the sections on Global and Emerging Markets. Historical coverage from 15+ years. App available.
Flipster Magazine Subscriptions Full color Scientific American, Communication arts, The Atlantic, The Advocate and other magazines to complement our Sora collection.
The Guardian Freely available on the Internet or via PressReader.
New York Times 1851 through today Select whether you are student or faculty and create an account with your email address. Not only can you find historic articles, there are many articles and opinions on history, finance, sustainability and other topics of interest to IR. App available.
100s of full color magazines and newspapers from around the world in 60+ languages including Spanish, Japanese and Chinese. Read Washington Post, South China Morning Post, and many more on the app or your computer. Only covers the last few months of publications. App available.
Project Syndicate World news and opinions from respected journalists.Create an account with your email address.
Sora Magazines
Full color magazines including current events magazines.
Wall Street Journal Create an account with your TAS email address. Use for coursework only please. The Wall Street Journal gives us a limited number of users per subscription. Coverage back for a full year. App available.
Below are a variety of free sites. The news sites might have very different angles on the same topic depending on the site.
Al Jazeera Breaking news, world news and video - an independent news organisation funded in part by the Qatari government.
All Sides Displays the day’s top news stories from media outlets across the political spectrum - freely available on Internet.
Associated Press News For profit news source.
Deutsche Welle Germany's international broadcaster. Aims to foster a peaceful, stable global community focusing on topics such as freedom and human rights, democracy and good governance, free trade and social justice, health education and environmental protection, technology and innovation.
E-International Relations International relations website with daily publications of unique content aimed at academics, general interest readers, and students and impartial reporting. Editorial stance based on scholarly principles. Free ebooks on international relations.
Global Issues website covering social, political, economic and environmental issues. Most of the articles written by Anup Shah.
Reuters For profit news and media from Thomson Reuters, the world’s largest multimedia news provider, reaching billions of people worldwide every day.
Nexis Uni (LexisNexis) Print and online journals, television and radio broadcasts, newswires and blogs includes archives to local to international newspapers as well as xtensive legal sources for federal and state cases and statutes,since 1790. Business information on more than 80 million U.S. and international companies and more than 75 million executives.
Opposing Viewpoints In Context Covers current social issues by providing an overview of each controversial topic and features viewpoints from different sides of the issue.
Check out the list of International Relations Suggested Reads from USIC!
Country Indicators for Foreign Policy , Carleton University
Countries and Areas List US Dept. of State
Delegate Pal - DelegatePal, above all, promotes easy access to both UN and non-UN related information to all delegates worldwide. Information is the premise of education, the torch-bearer of progress. That is why DelegatePal is, and always will remain, a free resource.
Thought Economics: Interviews with the world's leading thinkers Thought Economics is a journal of exclusive one to one interviews with the individuals who have shaped our world, are shaping our future, and impact every aspect of our lives. Thought Economics also features world-class opinion editorials on the issues that matter.
New York Times The Daily - 20 minutes of the day's most pertinent and interesting stories.
Our Current Events Page contains links to the resources listed below, as well as links to The Economist, New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal.
The Guardian Freely available on the Internet or via PressReader. PressReader has newspapers and magazines from all over the world.
Newsbank More than 11,000 newspapers and magazines browsable language, title, type and individual titles by calendar date. Some newspapers in Spanish, French, Dutch and Afrikaans.
Opposing Viewpoints In Context Covers current social issues by providing an overview of each controversial topic and features viewpoints from different sides of the issue.
PressReader 100s of full color magazines and newspapers from around the world in many languages including the Washington Post, South China Morning Post, and 1000s more. Use on the app or your computer. Only covers the last few months of publications.
Project Syndicate World news and opinions from respected journalists.Create an account with your email address.
Sora Magazines Full color magazines including the New Yorker, Guardian Weekly and New Philosopher.
Aeon | a world of ideas Aeon, in its own words, " a unique digital magazine, publishing some of the most profound and provocative thinking on the web." It is a registered non-profit in the US.
Big Think - Smarter, Faster Big Think is owned by Freethink Media and " part of an ecosystem of publications reimagining the news by focusing on solutions."
The Skeptics Society & Skeptic Magazine According to their website, the Skeptics Society is "...a nonprofit scientific and educational organization whose mission is to engage leading experts in investigating the paranormal, fringe science, pseudoscience, and extraordinary claims of all kinds, promote critical thinking, and serve as an educational tool for those seeking a sound scientific viewpoint."
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